I have conducted research, co-authored a book, authored multiple book chapters, and journal articles on trauma and foster children.
I am passionate about learning more, improving my own practice, and seeking ways to improve the educational system by sharing the stories and experiences of our most vulnerable students.
My deepest desire is for all students to feel welcome, safe, and cared for in their classrooms, so that they can begin to grow and develop socially and academically.
In order for this to happen, we, as teachers, must understand what trauma does to the brain and how it can and will impact their ability to function so that we can accurately interpret these actions and respond appropriately.
To that end, my research strives to tell the stories of students who have had significant challenges in an effort to affect change.
I have published a book, chapters in books, and several journal articles on these topics. Those I am able to freely share on this site, you find here. Others will be added as contracts allow.
I hope you find the articles helpful. If you are interested in engaging in a conversation with me about any of these articles, please send me an email at
Building Expertise to Transform Schools
Berardi, A. & Morton, B. (2020). Trauma-Informed School Programming in response to the impact of immigration, social upheaval, and community violence. In P. Shotsberger & C. Freytag (Eds.), How Shall We Then Care, Wipf & Stock publishing.
Morton, B.M. & Pilgrim, J. (2023). Promoting Inclusive Education: Social and Emotional Learning through the Lens of Universal Design for Learning. An invited article submitted to the Estonian Journal of Education.
Morton, B.M. & Ramos, A. (In press, 2023). Bridge scholars in the Pacific Northwest: A story of faith, belonging, and adversity at a Christian University. Christian Higher Education. Accepted and in-press.
Vanghaus, J., Pilgrim, J., Morton, B., & Rex, C. (2023). Secondary administrators’ perspectives of literacy interventions within a multi-tiered system of support. Submitted to National Association of Secondary School Principals.
Adams, D. & Morton, B. (2023). Theory to practice: Diversifying the teaching force. Texas Study of Secondary Educators, a publication of the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals.
Morton, B. (2022). Trauma-Informed School Practices: Creating positive classroom culture. Middle School Journal. .
Adams, D. & Morton, B. (2022). Diversifying the teaching profession: What led Hispanic teachers to become teachers? TxEP Journal.
Morton, B. (2022). Trauma and academic impact: Stories from at-risk youth. Northwest Journal of Teacher Educators 17(2), Article 4.
Morton, B. & Braus, M. (2020). Art therapy in the time of COVID-19. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. 12(1), 267-268.
Morton, B.M. & Berardi, A. (2018). Creating a trauma-informed rural community: A university-school district model. A chapter accepted for a volume in the Current Perspectives on School/University/Community Research Series, Information Age Publishing.
Morton, B. (2018). The grip of trauma: How trauma disrupts the academic aspirations of foster youth. Child Abuse & Neglect.74, 73-81.
Morton, B. (2017). Growing up fast: Implications for foster youth when self-reliance and adulthood collide. Children & Youth Services Review, 82, 156-161.
Morton, B.M. & Berardi, A. (2017). Trauma-informed school programming: Applications for Mental Health professionals and Educator partnerships. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma.
Berardi, A. & Morton, B. (2017). Maximizing academic success for foster care students: A trauma-informed approach. The Journal of At-Risk Issues, 20(1), 10-16.
Hockett, E. & Morton, B. (2017). When women faculty write: The power of community in scholarship. International Christian Community of Teacher Educators, 12(1).
Morton, B. (2016). Engagement: Critical to academic success. National Dropout Prevention Center/Network Newsletter 26(2).
Dee, A.L. & Morton, B. (2016). Admissions metrics: A red herring in educator preparation? Issues in Teacher Education, 25(1), 73–89.
Morton, B. (2016). The power of community: How foster parents, teachers, and community members support academic achievement for foster youth. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, (30)1, 99-112.
Morton, B., & Birky, G. (2015) Innovative school-university partnerships: Co-teaching in secondary settings. Issues in Teacher Education, 24(2), 119–132.
Morton, B. (2015). Seeking safety, finding abuse: Stories from foster youth on maltreatment and its impact on academic achievement. Child & Youth Services,36(3), 205-225.
Morton, B.M. (2015). Barriers to academic achievement for foster youth: The story behind the statistics. Journal of Research in Childhood Education,(29)4, 476-491.
Morton, B. (2013). Barriers to post-secondary enrollment for former foster youth: How teachers can make a difference, Northwest Journal of Teacher Education, 11(2), 44-65.
Morton, B., Samek, L., Berardi, A., Espinor, D., Song, S., White, W., Dee, A., Bearden, S. (2013). A Treatise on Diversity in a Dominant Culture University, The International Journal of Diversity in Education, 12(3), 105–117.
Morton, B. (2012). Foster youth and post-secondary education: A study of the barriers and supports that led to academic achievement. (Doctoral Dissertation) George Fox University, Newberg, OR.